Wednesday, November 28

Life in San Miguel de Allende

Life in San Miguel de Allende has taught me greater patience with my self and my life, and reverance for simplicity. Many historic rituals and fiestas celebrate the basics of life and sustenance by offering gratitude for abundant gifts such as the rain to grow good corn. These traditions often remind me to ask myself "What's important? What's really important in my life?"

I was fortunate one day to be invited to the home of Lucha Ramirez when the women of the family gathered to make tamales for Grandfather Nico's homecoming from the United States. In Mexico we say that food is made with cariƱo, or affection. To make food by hand for someone is to give them love. Junk food or packaged food is often called "industrial food" because it is made without feeling. It was a joy to see four generations of women come together to for this ritual of love.